Sunday 30 November 2014

Thyroid Talk at PCNZ

Okay, so this took a wee bit longer than I anticipated to write my second blog.  Since the last post we have walked, alot!  Sundays are our BIG walk days, yesterday we walked 4.8kms.  I know thats not alot for most people, but for me its a pretty big deal. For the last year and half or so I have been advised not to exercise as it would stress the adrenals out even more. So I am so delighted with my progress and being able to walk these distances again, even though its slow.

So, being the 1st Dec I decided to be proactive and look at my calendar for Dec and Jan and it looks like I'll only be able to see my PT for 1 session each month!  With Christmas/New Year and Summer School commitments I'm just not going to be able to fit in PT sessions in the day.  Its been so wonderful having Kate push me along and encourage me week by week and tell me I can do it.  This is going to be a huge challenge for me, especially on those days when I am so tired and just dont feel up to a walk.  Think I will have to blog more regularly to track my sessions/walks, hopefully that will help me stay focused and motivated.

I went to a Thyroid talk the other night at PCNZ, it was so good and another reminder of how important clean eating is to support the thyroid and adrenals.  So, I'm refocused again on cutting out sugar, gluten and now dairy (this was a new one for me, dairy can apparently also cause inflammation of the thyroid).  I know coffee also needs to go, but for now I'm still holding onto my 1 cup a day, cant give everything up in one go! :)

Sunday 23 November 2014

My first post....eek!

I've dilly dallied about doing a blog and have finally decided to give it a go. After battling with adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism, the aim of my blog is to track my progress to health and fitness.  Part of this is to keep me accountable the other is to hopefully be able to look back and see how far I've come.  Those battling with similar health issues know the daily challenges.  I have recently found a wonderful personal trainer who is conscious of my health issues and slowly slowly building my fitness with this in mind.  I thank God for my wonderful husband and am grateful for all his love and support.  Together we'll be doing the GFA Walk for Water at the end of February 2015 as a first goal towards good health and fitness.